Tag: erie gives

Erie Gives is Right Around the Corner!

Erie Gives Day is right around the corner, the time of year when our community comes together to support its local nonprofit organizations. Your donation matters! Your donation will make a difference! How?

When you give to Community Health Net, you affirm that our community’s health and vitality are prioritized! Your donation ensures that individuals in the Lake Erie region have access to high-quality healthcare, regardless of insurance type, status, or ability to pay! Your gift supports equitable access to medical, dental, vision, behavioral health, pharmacy, and other specialized health services that help our community continue to feel great!

On Erie Gives Day, you can feel good about donating to Community Health Net. Why? Because we have served the community for over 35 years and are home to about 100 staff and clinicians who love Erie. Alison Davis, LPN, is one of them. She has worked for Community Health Net for over 15 years in our Healthcare for the Homeless program, caring for individuals of all walks of life. Alison has seen many people that remind her of her brother, who, alone, could not care for himself after suffering a stroke and dementia. That experience provided a profound perspective that increased her capacity to empathize with her patients deeply, often extending herself after-hours to care for their needs. She noted: “Many of the patients in the program do not have family members who will support them. They need someone who isn’t going to judge them when they come in the door. They deserve to be seen and cared for with respect. We need to have compassion for people.”

This year, Erie Gives 2022 will occur on August 9, 2022, between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. During the 12 hours of online giving, The Erie Community Foundation and other generous donors will match a percentage of your donation. Giving is simple! Just visit ErieGives.org and select Community Health Net as your charity of choice!

Are you considering donating by check? It’s easy! Make your check(s) payable to The Erie Community Foundation, accompanied by your Erie Gives Check Contribution Form, found online at www.ErieGives.org. All items must be turned into The Erie Community Foundation at 459 West 6th St., Erie, PA 16507, by close of business on Monday, August 8. If you need help locating the form, we are happy to assist!

Remember, your donation to Community Health Net on Erie Gives Day helps ensure Erie remains healthy and vibrant and will help improve the healthcare outcomes for people in our communities. Make your voice count! Thank you in advance for your support!

If you have any questions, contact Mary Lynn Slivinski, Director of Administrative Services, at mslivinski@community-healthnet.com or 814-454-4530 ext. 227.





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